25 June 2014

These Are My Confessions


Hobbies: Raising my German Shepherd, reading, movies, hanging out with friends and family, crossword puzzles, yoga, trivia, and traveling when able.

Favorite foods: sushi, Italian, seafood, and steak

Vices: coffee, dark chocolate, pizza, bacon, and Cards Against Humanity

Favorite all-time musicians/bands: Dave Grohl, Trent Reznor, Sigur Ros, Tool, and Deftones

Favorite all-time music genre/era: 90’s music; grunge, rap, hip-hop, I enjoy it all from that time.

Favorite all-time subject to study: Science

*I love to dance, even though I do not think I am very good. I took dance lessons when I was younger, but have recently discovered that dancing is a huge stress reliever now that I have gotten back into it.

*I enjoy playing Chess and Scrabble.

*Every once in a blue moon, I will watch an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but will double up on something like Cosmos afterwards.

*I originally came to Dallas in 2007 as a Dental Assistant.

*I have met the following celebrities: Tim Hendricks, Owen Wilson, and Jimmy Fallon.

*I have walked right by the following celebrities: Daniel Tosh, Jorma Taccone, Jesse Eisenberg, and John Shea 

10 June 2014

Three Is the Magic Number

You have all undoubtedly heard the saying, "Three is the magic number." Well, I am beginning to loathe this magic number, along with its bloody statement.

I normally steer clear of the "Debbie Downer" posts, but this is a one-time exception (hopefully). Writing, blogging, etc. is extremely therapeutic for me, so getting this particular post out of my system will be an immense help. Here it goes.
  • I have applied to countless jobs going on three months now. (Currently in the third month of applying.) I even have a separate folder in my Gmail inbox just for applications. 
  • Out of the three month searching, I have had only three interviews. Getting rejected is never fun, on any level. 
  • I engaged three recruiters. None of them were able to find me anything. 
  • Three people in the Dallas area passed away within one week. These people were incredibly beautiful and taught us all what it truly meant to live life to its fullest. They will be treasured and missed.
 Yes, bad news does travel in threes. Yes, rejection sucks. Yes, mortality is a difficult pill to swallow. Recently, a friend of mine posted a status on Facebook, saying, "This is the worst day ever." or something along those lines. I responded with the comment, "You're alive. It could be worse." While I tend to be horrible at following my own advice, the comment is true. You wake up in the morning with air in your lungs, you are blessed with another day. Who knows when your card will be drawn and your time on this Earth will be over. All you can do is take a deep breath, count to 10, and just know that everything will work out in the end. You have your family, your friends, this beautiful weather, and many, MANY other things to help get you through those bad times. I have said it before and will say again: Life is way too short to be stressed, grumpy, miserable, and feeling defeated. I refuse to let the threes control my life. It will get better, I just have to remember that there is a bigger picture I can not yet see. Patience is truly a virtue.