28 July 2014


It has been a hot minute since my last post. Not a whole lot has changed, except for what I am about to describe below.

My work situation is a little better, but not much. We are currently involved with a merger and our closing date has been bumped up from September to mid-August. There is a lot of uncertainty with a bank merger and there were seven layoffs in my department back in April. I am safe and still have my job, for now. The closing will happen in mid-August, but it takes several months after that to finalize everything. I was told there will not be any more layoffs, but no one is for certain of that. The bank buying us does not have the departments we do and they do not have administrative help (which is my job.)

I am still avidly looking and applying for jobs, as is everyone else here. I am now on month four of looking and applying, but still do not have any leads. I used to be stressed out and have panic attacks due to my current work environment, but woke up one day and decided that I am done stressing and worrying. (Those are such useless behaviors.) I am physically unable to change what is happening at work and I cannot force someone to give me a job, so I have learned to make the best of my current situation. It is really scary knowing I may be out of the job soon and do not currently have a backup plan. I choose to not let that bother me, though. I am, however, scheduled to commence Paralegal college in September. I am really looking forward to that!

I met a dashing, charming young man about 3 weeks ago. July 9th to be exact. We met at Libertine. I was sitting at the bar eating dinner when he approached me. He invited me to join his table, since he and his friend were also eating. He was wearing a nice shirt and tie, so it was not easy declining such a polite offer, much less declining an invite from a handsome stranger. Nor did I want to decline. I figured at that point, "What do I have to lose? I could make a new friend, why not?" We had a wonderful time and he asked for my phone number. I thought he was married or in a relationship when we first met, that is why I felt so comfortable talking to him. He originally approached me to introduce me to his friend, but we ended up hitting it off. Thankfully he was single and he asked me out on a date for the following Saturday (three days later). The date went well and we are still dating.

That is pretty much all for now. On a side note, my blog has had over 3,000 page views since origination, so many thanks for all of my followers and viewers! Writing is a passion of mine and it is pretty cool having that many views. Take care and until next time....