20 January 2014

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

I have had my fair share of bad luck, as has everyone else. I was hoping that my streak of bad luck would rapidly come to an end and it finally did. Today, however, it appears the streak has tried to rear its ugly head.

I bought my VW Golf back in July 2013. I got backed into before even making my first loan payment and four days after the plates got put on. It has been six months since anything has happened, thankfully. The tire pressure light has come on twice since owning the vehicle, so I checked out the tires last night. There was a nail in one of them. No big deal and luckily my warranty covers the repairs. I am currently at the dealership, where it is going to take two hours. I called about five different people in my phone to see if anyone was available short notice to pick me up. People either did not answer, or already had other plans. This made me realize that I am really glad I have friends to count on when I am in a bind. (Yes, that is sarcasm.) I am not expecting everyone to immediately drop what they are doing to come "rescue" me, but it would be nice if at least one person offered to help me out, much less even answer their phone or answer their text messages. We live in a communication age, yet no one can even answer a simple phone call anymore.

On a different note, Klaus is currently at the vet. He got neutered today. The vet also did a routine procedure of expelling his anal glands. Some dogs require this, others do not. Mine, however, had bloody and infected glands. Awesome. Luckily, I provided some medicine upon drop off, so the vet used that after the procedure. Klaus recovered well from the surgery and is now sitting up. I get to pick him up tomorrow after work and he goes back in one week to get the sutures removed. I will not lie, it was scary hearing that my child was "bloody and infected." Luckily, it is an easy fix.

I hope that this concludes my "bad luck" for a while. I would like for 2014 to be a good, positive year, with minimal problems. We shall see! Until next time.

14 January 2014

2014: The Year of Dudeism.

Some people proclaim 2014, "New Year, New You", "New Year, New View", or maybe even "The Year of Yes." A very wise woman recently told me, "Call TxDOT. They'll help build you a bridge, then help you get over it." As I approach 30, I learn more and more everyday that if I am unhappy with something, actively do my best to change it and it does not change, then to just simply get over it and move on.

When a new year approaches, that is a great way to start over from scratch. I, however, carried over some unfinished business from 2013 and started off this year with severing ties and receiving complete closure on certain situations. I can fully start living a joyful life this year without having the weight of unnecessary drama on my shoulders. Let me tell you, I have not felt this amazing and alive in a very long time! I am taking the "F it" approach that Lebowski does in his cult classic film. That may seem off putting to some of you reading, but really think about it. Think about what Lebowski stands for. He does not easily stress, he enjoys and loves life, living it to the fullest. He gets caught up in a problem, but still maintains his inner peace and "dudeism." He simply abides.

Going forward I will not settle. If I am unhappy with something, I will do everything I can to change it and if it cannot be changed, "F it" and move on. I am going to pick my battles and not allow individuals to step on me or treat me badly. I am a great, fun-loving person and life is too short to be stressed, unhappy, or dealing with ridiculous drama. I suggest we all take the Dudeism approach on life and see how much happiness we can achieve.