04 January 2012

Reflect, Breathe, Start A New.

Happy New Year! I have been one busy bee and am trying to get back into the swing of writing, again. Hopefully you will be seeing a lot more posts from me this year. I had many ideas for this particular blog, but have finally settled on what you are about to read.

2011 was extremely rough for not only myself, but many other people. Previous blogs have reflected what life was like at that point in time. It was an intense roller coaster of events and emotions.

The year began with a great friend of mine committing suicide. I awoke New Year's Day to the news of this tragedy. At the time, I was dating one of my best friends, Josh. Josh was a great emotional support during this and offered a much needed shoulder to cry on.

February rolled around where Josh dumped me one week before my birthday. This was after he had introduced me to his mother, half sister (whom I'm still friends with. They're very sweet people), and sent flowers for Valentine's Day. He decided that getting drunk with friends was more important than a birthday dinner with my best friend and I. That is not an assumption, that is factual. He sent me a text message apologizing, but I found out about the drunken soiree from his best friend on the night of my actual birthday. Needless to say I went through a small depression stage.

March was depressing. I was still recovering from the news of Frankie's January suicide, the breakup, and now adding to that, Frankie's best friend and band mate, Adam, who was also one of my friends, committed suicide, 77 days to the date of Frankie's passing.

May came around and greeted me with loving, open arms. I began a new job at a wonderful company, where I am currently employed. It is a solid, stable bank and all of my coworkers are great to work with!

June welcomed me with a car wreck. I have told this story numerous times, therefore I will not repeat it and bore you with the details. The meat of that story is I was without a car for almost one month, took a cab or DART everywhere, and suffered ligament damage to my neck. *side note: I FINALLY received closure with my wreck and am not at fault.* As if the car wreck was not enough, I was counseled at my job. (Keep in mind I had just started the job about 4-6 weeks prior to wreck.) Normally, you have a small probation period. My boss felt compelled to sit me down and discuss my errors and mistakes. All of the so-called mistakes happened one time, have not happened since then, and happened during my probation period of the 4-6 weeks I had been employed thus far. All of this was happening while I was in severe pain, battling with muscle spasms, ligament damage, and frequenting the chiropractor (via cab rides or Farrel, since I had no car) for therapy. I never missed one day of work, either.

The rest of the year did not go much better. I did, however, attend my very first Austin City Limits festival and had a fantastic time! My musical high was crushed upon return due to friends dealing with break ups, evictions, divorces, and sick mothers. Even though I had been dealing with a series of unfortunate events, I was not alone. My problems had seemed pale in comparison to what my friends were battling. I then realized, with the help of others, to be grateful and thankful for the many, positive things blessing my life, no matter how difficult that may be to do.

2011 was an emotional roller coaster for everyone, but thank God it is over. 2012 began and has been pretty fantastic thus far! I have the unconditional love and support from a fabulous network of friends, amazing family, and most importantly I have my health. I have never been one to make resolutions, but this year, I vow to make a conscious effort to love the hell out of life and everything it throws at me. Bad or good. I will no longer underestimate myself and I hold more power than I realize. You get out of life what you put into it and you get respect when you give it.

2011 ended with the realization that I am a fighter and I will not be defeated by wrong doing, hatred, or anything negative. Those that are battling sickness have taught me to fight for life. In 2012, vow to fight for what YOU believe is right and do not be easily defeated. Never forget those that impact your life, find love in everyone and everything (even though that is sometimes easier said than done), and be continually grateful and thankful for the GOOD and POSITIVE that surrounds you. Always remember your friends, family, and the overwhelming love and support they offer you. I hope you have a wonderful 2012! :)