05 November 2013

Selectively Single

I have dated an array of guys since the age of 18. The stories I have would almost rival that of some Sex and the City episodes. Suffice to say, my selections of choice have been rather interesting and have all taught me what I ultimately am looking for in a companion. Since I am now 29-years-old and single, I get asked, "Why are you single?" This question always catches me off guard and I usually have some odd answer, if an answer at all. Due to recent events, I have taken a hiatus of sorts to fully evaluate the playing field and events thus far. I have deduced the following and have finally found an answer to this $500,000 question: I am selectively single.

*One guy would rather pine after his ex who cheated on him repeatedly, then do his best to move on and find someone who will not cheat and someone who would treat him well. It should also be noted that she takes provocative pictures of herself, showing half of her body to the world.
*One guy would rather use women for a good time, treating them all crappy, instead of "giving it the old college try" and turning a friendship into a relationship. He is also incapable of putting two and two together that when you treat a woman well and right, she will willingly want to stick around. If you are a jerk to her, she will want nothing to do with you. Instead of putting forth any effort of any kind to keep her around, he purposely chooses the jerk way.
*One guy speaks bingo instead of English. He also makes no efforts at all to "court" the woman and is always a last minute planner.
*One guy takes the woman out and they talk over beers and food. He sends a text message the next day, "I had a good time last night," then claims he is going out of town for a week for work. He did not include the words "I will not be able to be contacted" with that sentence, but we all know he still isn't capable of contacting. Nor does he want to. He has not bothered to contact the woman since.
*One guy dates the woman briefly, then phases her out. He phases her out, because he starts seeing someone else and they become serious. He fails to make the other woman privy to this. After one year or so of not speaking, he adds the woman back on Facebook, just so he can message her apologizing for his behavior. He then turns around and asks, "I know this is forward of me, but would you be interested in being involved in a pleasure only night for one night?"

So, for those of you who wonder why I am still single, I selectively choose to be. After stating the above scenarios, I like to think you can empathize with my decision. I would much rather be sitting home with my cat and dog, catching up on Mad Men, then have to deal with another moronic, lazy, boneheaded boy (not man). I understand that kissing toads is part of the game, but this is getting ridiculous. I can also empathize with married people, or people in relationships when they complain about their husbands or boyfriends not doing the dishes, or some minor issue, but at the end of the day you still have a companion, a friend, and that support at home. Try being in a single person's shoes for a little while. It is definitely a different world.