25 October 2012

Which Way Did She Go?

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both..." No offense to Robert Frost, but I am not sorry I could not travel both paths. My mantra, as of late, has been, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the third, unpaved, rocky road, without a map, compass, or GPS."

In life, you constantly make decisions and choose paths. No, you do not know which one is best suited for you at the time, nor do you know if you even chose the correct one. In all honesty, sometimes it is best to take that third, ambiguous, rocky route, not having any clue or tools to help aide you as you travel to your destination. Choosing said route will make you a stronger individual, will help you to listen to your gut, your heart, your intuition, and will provide exciting, new opportunities along the way.

Your family, friends, even strangers will provide guidance as you walk along your path. Sometimes you will listen and oblige, other times you will not. I have learned from first hand experience that yes, these people travel a similar path as you, but none will replicate your path exactly. These people mean well and want what is best for you. They want to see you happy and successful. I recently read a quote, however, that stated, "People take different roads to seek fulfillment and happiness. Just because they are not on your road, does not mean they are lost." What works best for one person, does not mean it will work best for you. This is where you ultimately make the choice to pick path one, path two, or path three. (There is always a path three as an option.) You have to trust yourself that you made the right decision. You may not make the best or right decision at all times, but with enough love and support from your family, friends, significant others, and the occasional alcoholic beverage of choice, you will walk those "incorrect" paths to your destination with your head held high.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Life can be extremely cruel and will do everything in its power to knock you off of your path. All you can do is stay positive, no matter how tough that may be, and choose the road less traveled by frequently. It honestly can make all of the difference in the world, even if you do not see instant results. Ultimately, you will succeed and the path you choose to your final destination will be a serene oasis.