26 September 2011

Misery Loves Its Company

The saying goes "when it rains, it pours." It seems lately this scenario is happening to many people and happening too frequently. Between friends with ill family members, friends getting divorced, friends going through horrible breakups, friends losing loved ones, friends getting admitted into hospitals, and friends getting evicted, it's difficult to stay positive, much less find the good in life.

We are also taught that life isn't easy. Not only is life a complete 180 from easy, it's cruel, inconsiderate, and at times hateful. Life can portray itself as a dodge ball game in middle school. No one could have ever prepared us fully for the 100 mph dodge ball being hurled at your face by the bully.

There is no way to be 100% prepared to handle life's dodge balls, but we can love those people encountering the worst game of their life and pray for them. Offer a kind ear for listening or a shoulder they're able to cry on. Continue to persevere and know that there IS good in life. All we can do is the best we possibly can, pray, think positively, know that what you do is worth it and everything will work itself out in the end. Life is TOO short to focus on the negative. It's even shorter to be carrying all the burden on yourself alone.

Be like Abigail Breslin in the above referenced movie poster, "Little Miss Sunshine." Regardless of what life throws her way, she still embraces life with open arms, remains positive, and dances her little ass off! Even if your family member is dead in the back of your van, or your brother discovers he's colorblind after years of silence, regardless of what life is like for you and how the people are in it, think of positives. Be reminded of your health, family (functional or dysfunctional) , friends, beautiful, fall weather, pumpkin spice lattes, Oktoberfest beer, music, and many other things. Seek advice, seek help, offer advice, offer help. Take time out of your day to thank others and simply say "You're a wonderful person!" "Thank you for your friendship!" "Life will get better for you!", "I love you. Have a great day.", or "I am here for you." In simple terms, love one another and be appreciative of the good that is left in the world. People will take notice of your positive energy, constant support, love and appreciate it more than you know.

20 September 2011

I Hear Voices

Three voices I love and could listen to all day everyday:

1. Sam Elliott
2. Jeff Bridges
3. Samuel Beam, a.k.a. Iron & Wine

SO therapeutic!

Most of you know who 1 and 2 are, but if you are unfamiliar with 3, you can learn more about him here: http://www.ironandwine.com/

*The "Kiss Each Other Clean" album is amazing!

16 September 2011

Heeeeeeere's Johnny!

We've all seen interesting tattoos on individuals. One individual in particular has the most unique tattoos out there, Johnny Depp."My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story."

You can find the meaning behind his tattoos here: http://tattoos.ygoy.com/2010/05/19/johnny-depp-tattoos/

Random, fun fact about JD: He was 26-years-old when filming "Edward Scissorhands."

15 September 2011

Jerk Alert

I stumbled upon this picture today. If it were on a t-shirt, I'd wear it in a heartbeat.

14 September 2011


I read an article today on Discovery News, regarding internet-enabled cars of the future. (More on that story later.) I showed my co-worker the story and asked his opinion. He then told me to search for "chatbot talks to chatbot" on the internet, thus results in the below youtube video. If this will be the future of our cars, I think i'll start walking, taking the DART, cab, or riding a bicycle. Best part is towards the end. Enjoy :)


This is the headline news on today's Dallas Morning News website: http://www.dallasmorningnews.com/

You're doing it wrong, BP. I wonder what Obama will say about this? "This is a tragedy. Oil companies need to be responsible" blah, blah, blah. Is this why gas is still high? What a mess.

11 September 2011

Tragic Anniversary

*I took this photo of the American flag that was found in rubble of WTC.*

September 11, 2001. I had just completed first period of marching band. I was walking from the band hall to my second period class, C++ programming. Walking by myself, I pass by Deven Wrigley and Chase Doyle who were saying, "so, a plane struck the tower? then another plane struck another tower?" I was confused and didn't know what that was about. I approach the class to hear everyone in a fury discussing planes, collisions, deaths, and terrorist acts. Immediately I rushed to the computer to find our country was under attack. New York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon had all been struck by OUR OWN planes! Who would do such a thing to a beautiful, free place?! The entire classroom period we watched video after video of plans being slammed into the WTCs, Penn, and DC.

Every single time I visit NY, I go to Ground Zero, have a moment of silence, pray, and see the surrounding museum memorials. One quote I read that's forever etched into my mind is, "We were in the second tower when we saw the first tower go down. We saw plane number two on the way and I thought to myself 'oh, good! help is on its way!'" *quote not an exact verbatim, but close.*

We don't just need anniversaries alone to remind us of that horrific day. We should celebrate life, celebrate lives lost and the heroes who fought for us that day everyday. NEVER forget who we are as a country, what we stand for, and most importantly NEVER forget what those people in those three areas went through. Be thankful people were so selfless to save their beloved country and please keep their legacy alive by reciprocating their heroism. Practice random acts of kindness, reach out to those in need, say a little prayer for our country everyday, and most importantly: continue to lift up and pray for the heroes and lives lost on 9/11/2001. What do you do to remember?


06 September 2011

Hippie Corpse

My apologies for being out of pocket for a few days now, but I'm back.

While reading Discovery news this morning, a particular story jumped out at me. "Green Cremation Offers Clean Departure." There is a new cremation process that uses water and a chemical called potassium hydroxide, which is highly alkaline -- the opposite of acid. "Resomation", as the term is called, is the first new commercially available service for handling human remains since cremation was approved more than 100 years ago. The water is heated and gently circulated. After two- to three hours, all that is left of the body is bone, which is then ground down into a powder to be returned to the family. The water, which contains broken down organic materials, is funneled into standard municipal water treatment facilities and returned into the hydrological cycle. (Water gets recycled back into the main water supply of city. Then again, so does your bath water and water from washing machines.)

So far, alkaline hydrolysis has been approved for commercial use in Florida, Minnesota, Maryland, Oregon, Kansas, Colorado and Maine. The University of California, Los Angeles, also is slated to receive a resomation machine for use through its medical school. Several other states, as well as the United Kingdom and other countries, are considering the technology. If you notice, Texas does not have it, yet, and I doubt we will for a very long time. There's no word when it will be released here, but if it is, I definitely want to be a hippie corpse!

Link to story: http://news.discovery.com/earth/green-cremation-110905.html