29 April 2014

Get A Clue

For those who may not know, I have been unhappy for a few months. I have also struggled emotionally and financially. My current job has been incredibly stressful, but thankfully, the stress is finally over. Layoffs happened, but I still have a job. I am thankful and grateful for my job, however, it is no longer a challenge.

I am taking this opportunity to establish my goals in life. Here I am 30 and have FINALLY started finding my way. I FINALLY have a clue as to what I want to do and what I want to accomplish. I have been given much excellent advice and guidance, but my decision is to become a paralegal. I have applied for many law firm positions within my current capacity, but unfortunately none will hire without a certification. It is best to further one's education and knowledge  in life and I know this decision will bring me great success.

Times have definitely changed and I have had the best support team behind me to help along the way. I am looking forward to this next chapter of my life and am anxious and excited for what it will bring.

20 April 2014


Easter, originally Ishtar, was a Pagan Holiday dealing with the Sumerian goddess Inanna, Ishtar, who was hung naked on a stake, resurrected and ascended from the underworld. They celebrated with eggs and bunnies. How does this relate to today’s Easter? Well, it’s quite simple.
 The symbolism in the Pagan story is death of the son (sun) on a cross (the constellation of the Southern Cross) and his rebirth, overcoming the powers of darkness. God sent his son Jesus Christ to die for us on a cross, only to be alive and risen three days later. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”
Jesus Christ struggled throughout his life. The biggest struggle of his life was for forty days and forty nights, prior to communion with disciples and the atonement. He was told about his fate and prayed diligently to his Father God. John 16:33 tells us, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
In life we will struggle with finding eggs, with fertility, patience, time, work, relationships, and many other things. Every single struggle we encounter will pale in comparison to the ultimate struggle by Jesus Christ. We shall never forget that He struggled for us when we simply did not, and still do not deserve such a loving, compassionate, selfless act. Thankfully he loves every single one of us, has overcome the world, and walks with us daily. We do not have to worry, much less struggle. He is in control.

12 April 2014

Ch Ch Changes

Don Draper once said, "If you don't like what's being said, change the conversation." For a couple of months now I have been incredibly unhappy with the conversation. In this situation, the conversation is my job. Do not get me wrong, I like the people I work with and I have enjoyed my time with the company. The company has taught me a lot, not only career wise, but as a person. My job has taught me what my true value and worth are, but unfortunately, the company itself is a bit behind on acknowledging what I bring to the table and proper compensation. I understand that times are a little tough and mergers can bring uncertainty and layoffs. This, however, is no excuse to not acknowledge and not properly compensate those who bust their ass. (It should also be noted I asked three colleagues, two being in HR, when we will be receiving our reviews and never got a straight answer. My review should have been four months ago and it still has not been received.)

Don Draper taught me to change the conversation. With that said, I have applied to 13 jobs within one month, have engaged one recruiter, and have submitted my resume to 3 individuals to forward on appropriately. I have not had any luck at all whatsoever with any of these and have yet to receive one returned phone call for an interview.

I am incredibly tired and fed up with struggling financially, being sad, being upset, and frankly not being myself. I am incredibly tired and fed up with not being properly acknowledged and not being properly compensated. That changes NOW. I know I am valuable and worth much more than what I am currently provided. It is time someone else sees what I see. Your thoughts, prayers, and continued advice and support are truly amazing and very much appreciated during this time.